INTERNATIONAL By Abrakwa Jacob Kojo 1 MINUTES READ Men spending a long time in the restroom has intrigued women for generations. This trend, possibly since private toilets were introduced, is a common theme on social media and discussed by experts. While it amuses women, specialists suggest that men's extended bathroom breaks might be linked to their generally better gut health compared to women. Gastroenterologist Kyle Staller expressed, "I think anyone who knows a man knows it’s true that men do spend longer in the toilet or on the toilet than women do, but in reality [they] are much less likely to have bowel issues and chronic constipation than women are." Gastrointestinal psychologist Madison Simons from the Cleveland Clinic suggested a biological explanation, emphasizing the need for relaxation to facilitate the digestive process. She explained that men possess a unique ability to smoothly transition between the tense fight-or-flight sympathetic sta...
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